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Code of Conduct


Follow the golden rule: treat others in the way that you would want to be treated. If you have a conflict with another member, or in any way feel harassed, please contact an admin to discuss the situation.

General Conduct

All devanooga members are expected to follow these guidelines in our community:

Conflict Resolution

If a Devanooga member treats you or any other person in a way that violates this CoC, please contact an administrator immediately. You can contact us via slack, the contact form on this site, or by email. Administrators will attempt to resolve the conflict in a manner that is accessible to the rest of the devanooga community, such as in a public channel. If open dialogue puts the privacy of one or more of the parties at risk, parts or all of the conflict resolution may be carried out in private.

Conduct of Administrators

devanooga is organized by Chattanooga-area members. We want to foster a community that is driven and shaped by the members. With that in mind:


Currently, our Slack Organization and Forums are administered by the following people:

Changes to the Code of Conduct

This is a living document. If you would like to openly discuss changes to this CoC, we welcome you to do any of the following:

Use of the Slack Organization

The use of the devanooga Slack Organization is a privilege we provide and maintain for users that are in good standing with the community. At any time, the admins may choose to revoke the privileges of a user to access the Slack Organization.

We ask that users keep these additional rules in mind when using the devanooga Slack Organization.

Use of the Forums

Like our Slack Organization, the devanooga Forums is a privilege we provide and maintain for our community. As with slack, the admins may choose to revoke the privileges of a user to post the Forum.


Electronic Frontier Foundation

As a member organization of the Electronic Frontier Alliance, and as an implicit extension of our initial code of conduct above, we endorse and exhibit the following principles:

  1. Free Expression: People should be able to speak their minds to whoever will listen.
  2. Security: Technology should be trustworthy and answer to its users.
  3. Privacy: Technology should allow private and anonymous speech, and allow users to set their own parameters about what to share with whom.
  4. Creativity; Technology should promote progress by allowing people to build on the ideas, creations, and inventions of others.
  5. Access to Knowledge: Curiosity should be rewarded, not stifled.

We uphold these principles by fighting for transparency and freedom in culture, code, and law.